쿠팡 개인통관고유번호 Edit personal customs clearance number – personal information stolen by Coupang

I found this article while browsing the internet.

More than 460,000 personal information stolen from Coupang…

Somehow, it’s because of my mood that I get a lot of advertisement texts these days……….

(This is why I hate Coupang) 쿠팡 개인통관고유번호

쿠팡 개인통관고유번호

I don’t know about anything else, but if there is a history of overseas direct sales or transactions from China in Coupang,

They said I had to change my customs clearance number. 윤과장의 소소한 일상 이야기

Because if I get stolen, I could be smuggling drugs in my name from abroad.

Take just 5 minutes to do it quickly before getting entangled in cumbersome and dangerous work.

I’ll edit my personal customs clearance number!

♠ If you have already ordered an item, the customs clearance number is different at the shipping address anyway.

You will be prompted to re-enter, so don’t worry.

Korea Customs Service personal customs clearance code
Check my personal customs clearance code! Search Is this your first overseas direct purchase? Is this your first time to declare imported goods? New issuance of “Personal Customs Unique Code Issuance” is available after simple authentication. Issuance of a unique personal customs code User Guide 24/7 chatbot counseling 1:1 chatting Kakao Talk counseling Remote support for PC users International cooperation between the Korea Customs Service and the Prosecutor’s Office to block drugs

▲To change the personal customs clearance code, access the above site.

First of all, please check my information in inquiry after accessing here.

After you click Search, a simple identity verification service appears.

After entering the information, you can authenticate with the corresponding certificate.

Then I can check my personal customs clearance code like this.

Click edit in the bottom right corner.

If you click Modify, there is a reissue of whether or not to use it like this.

After pressing Reissue, select the cell phone name category and verify the cell phone number.

Then it was verified at the top like this. A notification window pops up.

In that state, click Save.

Then, how many times in 2023 is it issued and is it correct to reissue it?

Another notification pops up.

After confirming, click Save

The personal customs clearance code change has been completed normally.

A message window will pop up, click OK

You can immediately check the changed unique code.

Even if it’s cumbersome, just invest a few minutes

Hope you change soon!