유튜브 싫어요 수 Why Disliked Videos on YouTube Still Show Up in Featured Videos

Haven’t you thought of that? I hit dislike, dislike, dislike, and I didn’t want to see the channel itself, so I clicked Don’t Recommend Channel. Besides, he said he wasn’t interested. I still come Didn’t you ever think that it is useless to click dislike and press hard to say that you are not interested and do not recommend a channel?

YouTube’s poor recommendation system. Don’t blame AI, you YouTube are the problem~~~ 유튜브 싫어요 수
Confessions of YouTube’s Algorithms
I mean YouTube. I only watched cat videos for a while. Then, the recommended videos are full of cats. It must be natural. But when I get bored and see cat videos, I’m not interested. I also clicked dislike for not recommending the channel. It floats nonetheless. It was hot even for a whole month. This is why I felt that the AI recommendation video was not going my way.

유튜브 싫어요 수

In fact, it’s not just YouTube. Recently, Facebook has been showing recommended videos, so I turn off the recommended videos every time I watch it. still float Looking at this, I wonder if this recommendation system is working properly. Am I the only one thinking like this?

Confessions of YouTube’s Algorithms 윤과장의 소소한 일상 이야기
The Mozilla Foundation, which makes Firefox, has done a major scrutiny of YouTube’s recommendation system. As you may know, YouTube has a recommendation system that displays recommended videos by analyzing the user’s viewing history and actions such as recommending and disliking. However, there are complaints about this recommendation system that the algorithm is opaque, inconsistent, and many unequal and unfair.

Confessions of YouTube’s Algorithms
In response, YouTube asks you to control recommended videos that don’t fit your interests by deleting your search history, pausing to save your history, or deleting your play history and search history. In other words, it’s not a perfect recommendation system by itself, so if you don’t like it, delete your search history or video history on YouTube and ask you to build your taste again.

However, even after resetting it, I still recommend the same video that I hated. As a result, YouTube users even feel that YouTube recommended videos are not a taste sniping, but that I cannot control them.

The Mozilla Foundation did the research using RegretsReporter, an open source tool created to study the YouTube recommendation system. There were 567,888,195 videos analyzed in this survey. The number of users surveyed was 2758. The Mozilla Foundation conducted qualitative and quantitative research to determine the extent to which users have control over YouTube’s recommendation system.

Confessions of YouTube’s Algorithms
In our survey, users wanted to change the recommended videos they see on YouTube by using the dislike button, not interested, or don’t like this channel. However, many users felt that the recommended videos did not change even after pressing the 3 dislike sets. Some users even reported the video as spam because it didn’t change even after using the 3-piece set. But the next day, the video was again shown in the recommended videos.

Some users answered in our survey that when they play a particular video, they don’t like similar videos appearing in the recommended videos, so they play the video while logged out without logging into their account, or playing the video on another PC or laptop. .

RegretsReporter asked the people who participated in the survey how much the recommended videos had changed after following the instructions in ‘Recommended videos and how to manage them’ in YouTube’s Help. said there is. Here, unsolicited videos complained that they were still recommending similar videos to the videos they previously hit dislike, not interested in, or don’t recommend the channel.

Confessions of YouTube’s Algorithms
Then, many people answered that the most effective way to exclude a video from recommendations is to not recommend a channel! In this method, when you hover the cursor at the end of the video title, three dots appear vertically, and if you click here, there is a channel not recommended.

Behavior Ranking for Preventing Disliked Videos from Appearing in Suggested Videos
Confessions of YouTube’s Algorithms
Looking at the actions taken to prevent unwanted videos from appearing in the recommended videos, 43% of the people clicked Don’t recommend the channel, 29% deleted the viewing history, 12% disliked, and 11% clicked No interest. .

The Mozilla Foundation commented that YouTube’s recommended videos do not reflect the user’s intentions, saying that users intuitively and clearly dislike them and that they still appear as recommended videos even if they follow the YouTube recommended video management method. Pointing out this problem, YouTube publicist Elena Hernandez said that because YouTube doesn’t try to block all content, it also recommends videos that people hate.

that’s right. Strangely, YouTube doesn’t have a feature to block channels you don’t want to see. There is a function to prevent users from commenting on your videos, but there is no function to block the channel itself from appearing in search or recommended videos for videos you do not want to see. This is because YouTube’s policy is to show more videos, so it can’t be helped. YouTube also said that users’ tastes and overall users’ tastes may differ, but they recommend videos that everyone likes, even if you don’t like them.

It’s not a recommended video for taste sniping. It’s just whether you watch it or drink it.


It’s YouTube’s policy, so I’ll have to put up with it even if it’s consistently uploaded as a recommended video.