쿠팡 고객센터 이용 방법 Solving problems while using Coupang: Customer center contact information and consultation guide

From Coupang inquiries to solutions: Phone numbers and how to use online consultation
1. How to contact Coupang Customer Center
1.1 Telephone inquiry

phone number:
Contact us: 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Consultable tasks: Order, payment, delivery, exchange/refund, A/S, etc.
1.2 Online inquiry

Coupang Customer Center website: [Invalid URL deleted] 쿠팡 고객센터 이용 방법
Contact us after logging in: [Invalid URL removed]
Contact us without logging in: [Invalid URL removed]
1.3 App inquiry

쿠팡 고객센터 이용 방법

Coupang App > My Coupang > Customer Center
1:1 inquiry, chat inquiry
2. How to use online inquiry
2.1 Inquiry after logging in 픽잇스마트

Access the Coupang Customer Center website ([invalid URL deleted])
Coupang account login
Enter what you want to inquire about in the search box at the top.
Select relevant keywords or click the “Contact Us” button
Complete and submit the inquiry form
2.2 Inquiry without logging in

Access the Coupang Customer Center website ([invalid URL deleted])
Click “Contact us without logging in”
Complete and submit the inquiry form
2.3 App inquiry

Launch Coupang app
Go to My Coupang > Customer Center menu
Select 1:1 inquiry or chat inquiry
Fill out the inquiry and submit it
3. Information to prepare when making inquiries
Order number (when inquiring about order)
Product information (when inquiring about a product)
Nickname or email address
Inquiry details
4. Inquiry processing time
Telephone inquiry: Waiting time may occur, response provided immediately after consultation
Online inquiry: Response within 24 hours (however, there may be a delay depending on the situation)
5. Additional information
The Coupang Customer Center website has an FAQ page, so you can immediately find answers to general inquiries.
The “Customer Center” menu within the Coupang app provides inquiry forms for various categories, including order/delivery, payment/refund, and after-sales service.
Depending on the nature of your inquiry, submitting attached files may help resolve the issue.
6. Precautions
Coupang Customer Center is open 24 hours a day, but waiting times may occur.
Online inquiries will be answered within 24 hours, but there may be a delay depending on the situation.
Be careful not to include sensitive personal information in your inquiry.