쿠팡 현금영수증 발급 Adpost revenue payment method (simplified business operator) + cash receipt issuance method

The 1st of every month is the day when a pleasant Adpost revenue payment request mail arrives.

During the month of October, even while I am sleeping, my blog provides the revenue generated by hard marketing.

On this day, as usual, I received an email saying that I would be paid for the income from Adpost.

I reported the money I earned from blogging and Coupang as a business, and had it deposited into that bank account.

Therefore, it is necessary to issue a cash receipt. 쿠팡 현금영수증 발급

쿠팡 현금영수증 발급

The third profit has already occurred, so I have to report it again and issue an invoice. 윤과장의 소소한 일상 이야기

At first, I didn’t know how to do it, so I searched here and there and asked for payment.

Now that I’m doing it for the third time, I think I know how to do it.

I’m posting it to help those who are doing it for the first time like me or who have forgotten how to do it because of intermittent profits.

As mentioned in the beginning, I am paid as a business operator. It is reported as a simplified taxpayer because the sales are not yet large.

When profit is realized from Naver, an e-mail comes saying “Your income will be paid.”

when you receive the mail

I go to Home Tax without delay with a happy heart.

Go to HomeTax and click “Login” in the red border at the top to enter.

After logging in


when you click

A screen similar to the one above will appear.

If you look at the item called Cash Receipt at the bottom of the gel

“Issuance of Cash Receipt”

there is

click on this

If you have followed this order

A screen similar to the one above will appear.

marked with a red border in the middle

“Issuance of cash receipts by case”


Then, we need to issue a cash receipt for the amount we earned.

in supplier information

If you enter your business registration number, your name will appear automatically.


Go to Transaction Information Registration

Enter the total transaction amount

Classification of use is set as proof of expenditure

For the issuance method number, enter the Naver business number, that is, 220-81-62517.

Download attached fileNaver Business Registration Certificate.pdf file
Just in case, I attach the Naver business registration certificate.

Please note.

After entering all


“Issuance request”



“Would you like to request issuance?”

window pops up.


A cash receipt is then issued.

As above, the receipt is displayed as an image file.

Save this as a JPG file.

If you’ve made it this far, you’ve done everything you need to do at hometax.

Then, go to Adpost with the attached data created in this way.

When you click on the report item, three items appear as shown above.

“Payment Processing Details”


When the above screen appears

marked with a red border in the lower right corner

“Submission of documents”

there is

click on this

same bottom right


There is and click here.

Do you remember the file I told you to publish and make it into an image file?

A cash receipt.JPG file.

after attaching this


If you click

like this

“Submission of supporting documents has been completed”

pops up

then it’s over

Now you just have to confirm that another paycheck comes in on the 21st.