These days, we often check a lot of information using the Internet and web browsers. And to access the Internet, you need a web browser, and we use software such as Google’s Chrome, Microsoft’s Edge, and Naver’s Whale. The interesting part is that the three programs mentioned above are all based on the same chromium (blink engine), so their basic performance is actually similar, except for a few convenience features. In this post, we will take a detailed look at how to update your web browser to the latest version.
The first thing we’ll look at is Google’s Chrome, which is probably the most used web browser. In particular, it has the advantage of being able to be used in sync with a smartphone or tablet by linking it to a Google account. First, you can update to the latest version by clicking the three dots in the upper right and selecting About Chrome on the left. This is the version on the day of posting. 엣지 브라우저 최신 버전 업데이트
Microsoft Edge was previously evaluated as lacking in convenience and performance, but its usability has greatly improved after changing to chromium-based. In particular, the recent addition of the Chat GPT function has improved its usability considerably. So I also use it a lot. To update to the latest version, select the three dots on the right and check the settings to update to the latest version. (the latest version is ) 윤과장의 소소한 일상 이야기
Lastly, Naver Whale supports various functions specialized for Naver users. The basic performance is based on Chronium and has the characteristic of not lacking much. The update method is the same as other web browsers, and you can check the latest version information ( in Naver Whale information.
So far, we have looked in detail at how to update the web browsers most commonly used by domestic users, including Chrome, Edge, and Whale, to the latest versions. It has many advantages, such as improved security and convenience, so it would be a good idea to keep your web browser up to date if possible.