ott 계정 공유 사이트 OTT Share Netflix Teabing Disney Plus Safe Account Share 1 person

Since the party leader plays the role of the party leader, it is reasonable because the Linkid fee is low as a small benefit.

The party leader earns KRW 4,250 (1/N amount) – KRW 200 (Linked fee) = KRW 4,050 for each party member recruited.

In the case of Netflix, you can recruit 1 to 3 party members,

If you recruit up to 3 party members, you can earn a total of 12,150 won every month. ott 계정 공유 사이트


ott 계정 공유 사이트


I will continue to sign up as a Netflix party venue.

You can create a party by creating a party on the main screen of ‘Linked’. 윤과장의 소소한 일상 이야기

After carefully reading the party venue guide and checking all of them, enter your Netflix login information.

The account must have completed adult verification and must use a secure password that can be shared with party members.


Next, you can choose how many party members you want to recruit.

As I mentioned earlier, Netflix OTT share is available when you recruit up to 3 party members, excluding the party leader.

Since the reserve is bigger, I try to find 3 party members.




Set the party period, check the party information you entered, and complete the party creation.


If you have joined as a party leader or party member but are not sure how to use the function,

If you go to the [Frequently Asked Questions] tab on the main screen of ‘Linked’,

You can see a detailed party function introduction.

Just looking at this, I can easily play the role of a party leader ^^




Now, you are ready to share your OTT account as a Netflix party venue.

You can use the service as soon as the party members are filled.

When matching is complete, a message comes through Linked KakaoTalk notification, so you don’t have to worry about it every day.

About 3 hours later, a notification came that matching was complete. really fast! ^^




Today, we shared how you can use Netflix OTT share at a reasonable price in ‘Linked’.

I am very satisfied with the fact that I can enjoy a variety of dramas, popular movies, and self-produced series that are being aired through Netflix.

If you are interested in Netflix OTT sharing, I recommend you to use Linkid like me.


Go to Linkid website