홈택스 공동인증서 Registering from the issuance method of the Hometax joint certificate

Hello business owners! ​ Electronic tax invoice through Hometax while doing business 홈택스 공동인증서 You will do a lot of work. This is because the tax invoice is issued electronically. 윤과장의 소소한 일상 이야기 In the issuance process, the accredited certificate is issued in advance It is essential to prepare ✔️ ​ What is Hometax … Read more

pass 인증서 발급 3 second login for year-end settlement with SKT PASS! public certificate joint certificate

Get the carrier’s PASS certificate and log in with simple authentication! In the past, everything could be done with a public certificate. You can log in with simple authentication these days. pass 인증서 발급 ​ The accreditation certificate must be renewed once a year 택스리버 ID, security card, otp authentication for each bank Renewal was … Read more

서울시 임산부 교통비 지원 신청 9 to 12 weeks pregnant daily life and symptoms, application for transportation expenses for pregnant women in Seoul

Weekly information, episodes during pregnancy A record of Choi Ah-ga (Ho-dong)’s stomach that she started to write down It’s already been 15 weeks, so hurry up before you get pushed 서울시 임산부 교통비 지원 신청 9 weeks pregnant 2.5 cm (4 g) The torso, arms, and legs are developing, and fingers and toes are also … Read more

윈도우10 시리얼 확인 Let’s find out easily with the Windows 10 CD Key Check (Serial Number) command.

In the case of Windows 10 operating system, it checks the authenticity online based on the CD key information. So, genuine users have to write down their serial number separately or keep it. However, for those who forgot or forgot, I would like to tell you how to easily check the serial number in the … Read more

한글 파일 PDF 변환 Korean HWP PPT JPG Word Excel File PDF Conversion

We use many extension files in our work. There are countless extensions, from HWP called Hangul to PowerPoint PPT, Word, Excel and JPG. There are also small and simple files called PDFs. In this regard, I would like to introduce conversion between various files and PDFs. This can be done simply with ILOVEPDF. Korean PDF … Read more

카톡 사진 원본 보내기 Send KakaoTalk KakaoTalk photos in original quality, bundled

I am sure many of you have experienced sending files to the other party using Kakaotalk messenger. The function of sending an image or video file from a smartphone is being used for various purposes. You can simply send it to yourself to show it to someone, or send it to yourself for a backup … Read more

국내여행 준비물 체크리스트 Checklist of preparations for domestic travel (Excel file included)

How many people are preparing for summer vacation these days? So, those who are looking for overseas travel preparations You will have a lot! Unfortunately, this time I am traveling abroad. I can’t go Thankfully, I decided to go on a domestic tour. 국내여행 준비물 체크리스트 I wrote a list of supplies once! ​ It … Read more